2. Jokijarvi

Nina's ancestral home, Jokijarvi, Finland After publication of my book Family Album, I assumed the project was complete, and my relationship with Nina was over. However, Nina had additional plans for our collaboration. There was more to learn about interconnection. Consequently, a new project, One Thing Leads to Another (working title) was conceived. The project is active, but progress has been delayed due to the Covid-19 global pandemic. The general project objective is to expand on the Family Album narrative by connecting three related communities: Jokijarvi, Finland; Ishpeming, Michigan, and Frederick, South Dakota. The locations are related via the migration of Nina Weiste’s parents from Finland to the USA. In 1880, Saul Weiste (Waisanen) migrated from Jokijarvi, Finland to Ishpeming in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The following year he married Kaisa Maria Herne-Ahoe, who also migrated (separately) from Finland to Ishpeming in 1880. They operated a restaura...