12. Promoting interconnection while challenging division, is it possible?

I made this triptych many years ago in an attempt to articulate my thoughts about political polarization. My (naive) conclusion was that there are two types of people, the ones who accept insecurity as a basic human attribute, and those who would never admit to being insecure - most likely because it's considered weakness. Security and insecurity are the same thing. We do things to make us feel secure - because we are inherently insecure. That was my one and only attempt at making "political" work. I concluded that it's too divisive. From that point on I decided to make photographs that celebrate interconnection. However, as the actions of my fellow humans (the ones who are insecure and don't know it) threatens the dignity and freedom of others, i.e, the subjugation of women and reproductive rights, I'm having second thoughts. Promoting interconnection while challenging division, is it possible?